Frequently Asked Questions

  • An OCD specialist is a mental health professional who has specialized training and expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). These specialists possess in-depth knowledge of the complexities of OCD, including its various manifestations, underlying causes, and evidence-based treatment approaches.

    OCD specialists are licensed therapists, psychologists, or psychiatrists who have undergone additional training, often beyond their general mental health education, to develop a deep understanding of OCD and its related conditions. This specialized training equips them with the skills to effectively assess, diagnose, and provide targeted treatment plans for individuals struggling with OCD.

    Treatment by an OCD specialist often involves employing therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with a focus on Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), which is considered the gold standard treatment for OCD. These specialists work collaboratively with their clients to develop tailored strategies for managing obsessive thoughts and reducing compulsive behaviors.
    In addition to therapy, an OCD specialist might also collaborate with medical professionals to address any potential medication needs that complement the therapeutic approach. Their goal is to help individuals with OCD regain control over their lives, minimize the impact of symptoms, and improve their overall quality of life.

  • Counseling, specifically Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), is the gold standard treatment for OCD. In therapy, we focus on exposing individuals to their obsessive triggers (exposures) while preventing the accompanying compulsive behaviors (response prevention). This systematic approach helps individuals confront their fears and anxieties, leading to a reduction in the impact of OCD symptoms. Additionally, we incorporate other modalities such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as well as help develop coping strategies and skills to manage distress effectively.

  • We offer both virtual and in-person services.

  • In the first session, we'll discuss your concerns, symptoms, and treatment goals. We'll explain the therapeutic approach and answer any questions you have. It's also an opportunity for us to get to know each other and establish a therapeutic relationship.

  • The duration of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy for OCD can vary based on individual factors and treatment goals. ERP is a highly effective approach for managing OCD symptoms, but the length of therapy can depend on several factors:

    Severity of Symptoms: Individuals with milder symptoms might experience significant improvement within a few months of consistent therapy. However, those with more severe or complex OCD might require a longer duration of treatment.

    Treatment Progress: ERP therapy is often conducted in a systematic and gradual manner. As you progress through the therapy, your therapist will work with you to gradually expose you to anxiety-triggering situations and help you resist compulsive responses. The pace of progress can influence the overall duration of therapy.

    Individual Response: People respond to therapy differently. Some individuals might experience rapid improvements, while others might need more time to see substantial changes.

    Treatment Goals: The goals of ERP therapy can vary. Some individuals might aim for a significant reduction in symptoms, while others might work towards complete remission. The complexity of your goals can impact the duration of therapy.

    Frequency of Sessions
    : The frequency of therapy sessions can influence how quickly progress is made. Regular sessions provide consistent support and reinforcement of learned skills.

    In general, many individuals experience noticeable improvements within 12 to 20 sessions. Some might continue with maintenance sessions to ensure the skills learned during therapy are effectively integrated into daily life. Remember, the focus of ERP therapy is on progress rather than a fixed time frame. Your therapist will collaborate with you to determine the most appropriate treatment duration based on your unique needs and progress.

  • The 15 minute call is a free consultation call to discuss what you’re looking for from counseling and to see if we’re a good fit. At the end of the call, if we decide to move forward together, our team will send you our intake paperwork and a link to the client portal. Once the paperwork is filled out, we will schedule an intake appointment.

  • We are not in-network with any insurance providers. We can provide you with a detailed bill including all the necessary information and service codes that insurance providers require for reimbursement to you of any out-of-network coverage offered by your plan.

    Payment for sessions can be made directly at the time of each appointment.

  • Finding an in-network OCD specialist can sometimes be challenging due to several factors. Firstly, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a specialized area within mental health, and not all therapists have extensive training or experience in treating it. This limited availability of specialized practitioners can make it harder to find one within your insurance network.

    Additionally, the demand for mental health services, including OCD treatment, often outweighs the available supply of professionals. As a result, many specialists might have full schedules or limited availability, making it difficult to find an in-network specialist who can accommodate your needs and preferences.

    Furthermore, insurance networks vary in terms of coverage and reimbursement rates. Some OCD specialists might choose not to be part of certain networks due to contractual restrictions or lower reimbursement rates, which can further limit your options for in-network care.

    However, it's important to note that even if you can't find an in-network specialist, out-of-network options and other payment arrangements, like utilizing a superbill for reimbursement, can still provide you with access to the high-quality treatment you need for managing OCD effectively.

    We understand the challenges you might face in finding the right OCD specialist, and we're here to provide the support you need to overcome these obstacles and receive the treatment that best suits your unique situation.

  • Yes, client confidentiality is a top priority. Information shared during counseling sessions is kept strictly confidential, except in situations where there's a risk of harm to yourself or others.

  • As counseling specialists, we can not prescribe medication.

    However, we believe in a collaboartive approach and frequently work with psychiatrists and other medical professionals if medication is part of your treatment plan.